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QUESTION PERIOD — Foreign Affairs

Support for Ukraine

February 14, 2024

Leader, I’m pleased to get another opportunity to ask a question that I asked you yesterday but you skilfully tried not to answer. In its diplomatic exchanges with Ukraine, Canada now uses the word “assurance” in its promises of aid, rather than the word “guarantee,” as it previously did. I would like to know whether the “assurance” means the same thing as “guarantee,” or whether your Prime Minister is using different language to give himself a way out in case he can’t keep his promises to Ukraine.

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ - ]

Thank you for the question. Again, when it comes to the war and Canada’s role, the relationship between the Government of Canada and Ukraine is strong and steady. I can’t comment on the meaning of one word over another. In the world of diplomacy, I won’t deny that words are significant. However, what counts is the work being done on the ground and, in that regard, Canada’s role in supporting Ukraine will continue. What counts is what is being done on the ground and not necessarily some change in vocabulary. This may not be the answer you were hoping for.

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