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Three-year Review of the Cannabis Act

June 20, 2022

Honourable senators, my question is for the Government Representative in the Senate. Senator Gold, about this time last year I inquired about plans to begin a three-year review provided for in the Cannabis Act as I was concerned we would miss the deadline on starting this important work. The three-year mark was this past October, but the only reference made to the cannabis industry by government was the launch of the cannabis strategy table to engage with the industry in this year’s budget document. This will not really look at the public health aspect, and I would suggest this falls short of the kind of review envisioned by the Cannabis Act.

When will the government begin this important review of the Cannabis Act and its impact on Canadians?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ - ]

Senator, thank you for your question. The Cannabis Act established a new control framework for cannabis, and was designed to better protect public health, public safety and minimize harms associated with cannabis use. As you properly point out, the act requires a legislative review to start within three years after coming into force and a report to be tabled in both houses of Parliament within 18 months after the review begins. The government remains committed to putting into place a credible, evidence-driven process for the legislative review which will assess the progress made towards achieving the objectives of the act.

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