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QUESTION PERIOD — Employment and Social Development

National School Food Policy

November 28, 2023

My question is for the Government Representative in the Senate.

Last Monday, we celebrated National Child Day. A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to meet with the Canadian School Boards Association, representing trustees and chairs of school boards. Their number one issue was the health of students, particularly ensuring that students do not go to school hungry. This has never been more important with food bank usage up 41% from last year.

Canada remains the only G7 nation in the world without a national school food program. The government held consultations on this policy a year ago. I have asked this in yearly intervals since the Liberals campaigned on a school food program. I would like to ask again today: When will the government fulfill this commitment?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

Thank you for the question. It’s important that all levels of government contribute and collaborate so that our kids can be properly nourished and therefore take the benefit of the education that we provide.

I’m not in a position to comment on the progress or discussions that may be taking place with regard to a national program. Again, at the risk of repeating myself, this is a matter of provincial jurisdiction, as we know, in terms of delivery of education in the provinces. But I certainly will make efforts to inform myself further.

Thank you. Yes, the schools are a provincial jurisdiction for sure, but we have had the promise of a national school food program. I want to reiterate we have these partners that are willing — in a very reasonable way, with good energy — to help and support the government that also keep asking the question.

Senator Gold [ + ]

Again, the government is in active discussions with its provincial counterparts in the area of health, in the area of education, and I have every confidence that these are subjects that continue to be discussed at those levels.

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