Committee of Selection
Second Report of Committee Adopted
December 14, 2021
Are honourable senators ready for the question?
It was moved by the Honourable Senator MacDonald, seconded by the Honourable Senator Smith, that this report be adopted now.
Those in favour of the motion and who are in the Senate Chamber will please say “yea.”
Those opposed to the motion and who are in the Senate Chamber will please say “nay.”
In my opinion, the “yeas” have it.
I see two senators rising. Do the government liaison and opposition whip have agreement on the length of the bell?
Is there leave for the proposed length of the bell from senators in the chamber?
The vote will be at 5:22.
Call in the senators.
Honourable senators, allow me to explain why I abstained. Given that each group allocates seats on each committee differently, that some committees deal with Senate governance matters and that others deal with issues in Canadian society, I am of the view that a single rule that applies to all the committees goes against the principle of a more independent Senate. I therefore still have doubts.