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QUESTION PERIOD — Environment and Climate Change

Canada Water Agency

September 29, 2022

Senator Gold, the environment minister’s mandate letter includes creating a Canada water agency, or CWA. We’ve seen many issues facing Canadians around fresh water, including drought, floods and water advisories affecting thousands. According to the ministry’s discussion paper, the CWA would provide Canadians with:

. . . a central point of contact for federal freshwater-related questions and an integrated picture of federal freshwater programs and services.

This initiative is an important response to the clear need to manage our freshwater resources, including around climate change and food security.

Senator Gold, can you please update us on the status of this file?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

Thank you for your question, senator. I will have to look into the matter and report back as quickly as I can.

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