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Bill to Amend--Notice of Motion to Authorize Human Rights Committee to Study Subject Matter

June 1, 2023

Hon. Patti LaBoucane-Benson (Legislative Deputy to the Government Representative in the Senate)

Honourable senators, I give notice that, at the next sitting of the Senate, I will move:

That, in accordance with rule 10-11(1), the Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights be authorized to examine the subject matter of Bill C-41, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, introduced in the House of Commons on March 9, 2023, in advance of the said bill coming before the Senate; and

That, for the purposes of this study, the committee be authorized to meet even though the Senate may then be sitting or adjourned, with the application of rules 12-18(1) and 12-18(2) being suspended in relation thereto.

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