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Progress of Legislation

May 30, 2024

Senator Gold, Bill C-41 became law last June, creating a framework for Canadian humanitarian aid to be delivered to people in need in terrorist-controlled environments. Under this law, Canada was to create an authorization regime to enable Canadian agencies to deliver aid and shield them from criminal prosecution under anti-terrorism laws. The 2023 annual report of the Minister of Public Safety indicates that no authorizations have been issued.

Knowing how much women are suffering under gender apartheid and under Taliban oppression, how can the government justify such delay in the implementation of Bill C-41?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

Thank you for your question and for reminding us of the horrible circumstances that many, but especially women in Afghanistan, are facing.

I don’t know the answer to your question in terms of the implementation. There is a process that needs to be put into place — an approval process, as such. I will certainly raise this issue with the minister in response to your question, and I thank you for the question.

Last week, the Canadian Feminist Forum on Afghanistan brought together civil society, leaders, academics and parliamentarians to support the codification of gender apartheid through the UN’s draft treaty on crimes against humanity because gender apartheid is not yet forbidden under international law. Joining other senators who have spoken against gender apartheid, I have a question for this government: The Taliban forces Afghan women into silence, but why is the Canadian government choosing to remain silent?

Senator Gold [ + ]

Thank you for your question. This government, more than any other government in Canadian history, has put the rights of women at the forefront of its foreign policy and will continue to do that. There are many examples of that, which need not be cited here.

The position of the Canadian government on recognizing the situation as gender apartheid is a separate matter. Again, I will raise that issue with the minister when I have the occasion.

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