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QUESTION PERIOD — Ministry of Public Safety

Reduction of GHG Emissions from National Safety and Security Operations

March 30, 2022

Hon. Marie-Françoise Mégie

Minister, the Government of Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory states that the RCMP reported 98 kilotonnes of GHG emissions in fiscal year 2020-21 from national safety and security operations. This is a 56% increase over fiscal year 2005-06. How do you plan to ensure compliance with Canada’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan, taking into account existing green technologies and the financial and operational capabilities of the RCMP?

Hon. Marco E. L. Mendicino, P.C., M.P., Minister of Public Safety [ + ]

Thank you for your question, senator, because it’s a very important one these days. As you know, yesterday, Minister Guilbeault made an important announcement about what we need to do to accelerate progress on climate change. We must invest $8.1 billion to make more progress on green infrastructure. I hope that this funding will help transform government services, including within my own department, the RCMP and the Canada Border Services Agency, along with all of the other agencies in my portfolio. For example, vehicles and the transportation industry account for a lot of emissions. I think there is a huge opportunity to use federal investments to accelerate our efforts to reduce GHG emissions and work harder on climate change.

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