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QUESTION PERIOD — Canadian Heritage

Athlete Assistance Program

April 17, 2024

Senator Gold, my question is still on the budget, but first allow me to join the Canadian Paralympic and Olympic Committees in congratulating the government on the new federal funds that will go directly into our athletes’ pockets via the Athlete Assistance Program. This is indeed great news.

However, yesterday’s announcement did not address the fact that support to the Canadian sports funding system is urgently needed for them to continue their core work of helping athletes, provincial associations and clubs across the country. There has been no increase for national sport organizations since 2005. The gap in funding is now huge, caused by 19 years of inflation.

How can we expect these organizations to deliver the same results today as they did in 2005? How can we ask them to do more with fewer resources?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

We are all proud of our athletes. The Government of Canada is pleased to be able to support them to the extent that it is possible to do so, as are other levels of government and the private sector.

Your concerns about the lack of increased funding will be something that I will communicate to the minister.

Thank you, senator. It is a well-known fact that an only 1% increase in physical activity can save $1 billion a year in health care.

Will you share and express to this government — and all governments, in fact — that Canada must begin to see sport as an investment, not an expense? When we choose to help our national sport organizations do their jobs, we should do it not only for the athletes but also for all Canadians.

Senator Gold [ + ]

I certainly agree with that sentiment and will pass it on to the minister.

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