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SENATORS’ STATEMENTS — Support for Food Producers

November 21, 2023

Honourable senators, on behalf of Senator Black and myself, I rise today to honour and thank a group of individuals who are the very foundation of our society: our farmers, ranchers and fishers.

In the vast expanse that is Canada, these folks play an indispensable role in shaping and creating our prosperity. Their importance goes well beyond agricultural productivity; it is, in fact, at the heart of our economic, social and environmental fabric. Recognizing and supporting their pivotal role is crucial in building a resilient, sustainable future for our communities, our provinces, our nation and, yes, the world.

The significance of the agricultural sector, of course, extends well beyond its immediate impact on food security. It is a cornerstone of our economy, generating employment and income for literally millions of people. By supporting farmers, we’re bolstering the backbone of rural communities, fostering economic resilience and mitigating the urban-rural divide. Moreover, a thriving agricultural sector contributes to national economic stability, ensuring that we remain a key player in the global market. In addition to their economic contributions, farmers are custodians of the environment — sustainable farming practices, such as crop rotation, the use of cover crops and responsible water management, are all essential for preserving the integrity of the land. Farmers are uniquely positioned to be environmental stewards, and supporting them in adopting sustainable practices is an investment in the future of our natural resources and our country.

However, farming is a profession filled with uncertainties. We used to call it “next-year country” at home. From unpredictable weather patterns to the costly access to inputs to market fluctuations, farmers face challenges well beyond their control. Recognizing the need for a robust support system is an imperative for us, governments, communities and consumers. We must rally behind them and support them in whatever way we can.

At a recent committee meeting, a witness raised this: In a municipality or city, there’s someone whose job is to plan for water, for housing or for recreation and parks, but there is no one whose job is to plan where our food comes from. That was a powerful statement, and it left everyone very moved.

Honourable senators, when you think about it, it’s our farmers whose job is to plan, to grow, to cultivate and to build the very foundation of our life — shaping not only the landscape, but also our collective well-being. They are supporting our communities. Recognizing and saying thanks to farmers, ranchers and fishers is an important investment in our future.

Thank you all very much.

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