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Meet Senator Claude Carignan

Who inspired you to get involved in public life?

My father was a city councillor and he inspired me to take an interest in public life. He taught me the basics of what it means to hold public office.

What do you think is the biggest public policy issue facing Canada today?

Without a doubt, the biggest public policy issue facing Canada is the legalization of marijuana. It will have enormous consequences at every level and it is an issue we must follow very closely.

Senator Claude Carignan in his office.

Why should Canadians care about the Senate?

Canadians are represented in the Upper Chamber and they should care about its work because the Senate constitutes the final counterbalance that evaluates the merits and constitutionality of a bill.

What legislative or committee work are you most proud of?

I am very proud to have sat on the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee. Its work involves many areas of policy and administration. I am particularly proud to have participated in the activities leading to a Code of Ethics for senators, which established accountability among senators. It was a historic achievement in the Upper Chamber and is the cornerstone of ongoing modernization activities.

What is a hidden gem in your region?

My region of Saint-Eustache is home to the Légaré Mill, the oldest working water mill in North America, according to Canadian Heritage. It was designated a historic monument in 1976 and a national historic site in 2000.

Name a “guilty pleasure” song.

The song With or Without You by U2 always makes me smile.

Bono performing live.

What is the last book you read or movie you saw that you recommended to someone else?

I recommended that journalists read the Rules of the Senate!

What sports team do you support?

I am a diehard fan of the Montréal Canadiens.

Why are you proud to be Canadian?

I have been to a lot of places, but I have never seen a country as beautiful as my own.

Meet Senator Claude Carignan

Who inspired you to get involved in public life?

My father was a city councillor and he inspired me to take an interest in public life. He taught me the basics of what it means to hold public office.

What do you think is the biggest public policy issue facing Canada today?

Without a doubt, the biggest public policy issue facing Canada is the legalization of marijuana. It will have enormous consequences at every level and it is an issue we must follow very closely.

Senator Claude Carignan in his office.

Why should Canadians care about the Senate?

Canadians are represented in the Upper Chamber and they should care about its work because the Senate constitutes the final counterbalance that evaluates the merits and constitutionality of a bill.

What legislative or committee work are you most proud of?

I am very proud to have sat on the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee. Its work involves many areas of policy and administration. I am particularly proud to have participated in the activities leading to a Code of Ethics for senators, which established accountability among senators. It was a historic achievement in the Upper Chamber and is the cornerstone of ongoing modernization activities.

What is a hidden gem in your region?

My region of Saint-Eustache is home to the Légaré Mill, the oldest working water mill in North America, according to Canadian Heritage. It was designated a historic monument in 1976 and a national historic site in 2000.

Name a “guilty pleasure” song.

The song With or Without You by U2 always makes me smile.

Bono performing live.

What is the last book you read or movie you saw that you recommended to someone else?

I recommended that journalists read the Rules of the Senate!

What sports team do you support?

I am a diehard fan of the Montréal Canadiens.

Why are you proud to be Canadian?

I have been to a lot of places, but I have never seen a country as beautiful as my own.

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