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Speaker of the Senate

Forum for Young Canadians

One of the most popular and longest ongoing youth initiatives with which the Senate has been involved is the Forum for Young Canadians. This educational program brings together students aged 16 to 19 from across the country to understand how Canada is governed. The students are selected by province with an attempt to ensure that the groups are proportionally and demographically representative of Canada. Participants are also chosen on the basis of excellence and are considered by the Forum program coordinators to be the leaders of tomorrow.

Every year, the Speaker of the Senate hosts breakfast meetings for Forum groups visiting the Senate of Canada and with the help of Senators, Directors, Table Officers and Pages, we had a successful run this winter.

These meetings took place in the Senate Foyer and were followed by a presentation in the Senate Chamber where students got to hear about the work of the Senate, followed by a Q&A; students also had some great interaction with our Senate Pages who were eager to share their experiences.

These meetings provide an opportunity for program participants to meet informally with Senators from their regions, and in turn are an ideal opportunity for Senators to meet an important group of future leaders.

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