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Speaker of the Senate

Speaker’s Statement – Debate on Questions of Privilege

Before recognizing Senator Wallace, let me remind honourable senators of rule 2-5(1), which reads as follows:

The Speaker shall hear arguments before ruling on a point of order or a question of privilege. When the Speaker has heard sufficient argument to reach a decision, a ruling may be made immediately or the matter may be taken under advisement. The Senate shall then resume consideration of the item of interrupted business or proceed to the next item, as the circumstances warrant.

This means that the rules that generally govern debate are placed in abeyance when the Senate is dealing with a question of privilege or a point of order.  This includes the provisions regarding speaking times and the number of times a senator may speak.  These matters remain at the sole discretion of the Speaker.  The Speaker also determines when sufficient arguments have been heard, and can then end the discussion.  

I would also like to remind senators that there is no right of reply.  While my predecessors have, before concluding consideration of a question of privilege or point of order, sometimes returned to the senator who initiated the matter, this remains at the discretion of the Speaker. 


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