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Question Period - Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

Revocation Provisions

June 20, 2017

The Honorable Senator Ratna Omidvar:

My question is for the Leader of the Government in the Senate. Senator Harder, it was really wonderful to have Royal Assent yesterday, with Bill C-6 being called into law, but, as we know, not everything takes immediate effect. I am a bit in Senator Pate's corner. Law is one thing; implementation is another. I understand that the coming into force of the McCoy due process amendment will not take place until early 2018. In the meantime, can you guarantee that the government will not initiate any new revocation proceedings under the current, fundamentally flawed model?

Hon. Peter Harder (Government Representative in the Senate): I thank the honourable senator for her question and for her dedication in ensuring that the bill that was before us, known as C-6, had the benefit of an appeal mechanism attached to it. I congratulate all senators for supporting that as it came to us from the other chamber. I can confirm that the government will not be pursuing any citizenship revocations under the minister's authority for fraud or misrepresentation until the new system is implemented. Any individual who has received a notice of intent to revoke citizenship, where a final decision by the minister has not been made, can choose to have their case decided under the new process. All other cases of those who obtained citizenship through fraud or false representation or knowingly concealing material circumstances will proceed under the new model.

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