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Related content: Senator PAULA SIMONS

Senators Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu, Donna Dasko, and Rebecca Patterson pose with other members of the Canadian delegation to the 69th Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Copenhagen.
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Senators Sharon Burey, Paula Simons, Rob Black and Mobina Jaffer in front of an irrigation pivot in a wheat field at Auch Farms near Carmangay, Alberta.
Senators cover new ground in Western soil health fact-finding mission
Senator Renée Dupuis, centre, front row, and university students in the foyer stairwell of the Senate of Canada Building.
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Parliamentarians, war veterans and students, pose outdoors in front of a memorial statue.
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A group of students, school staff and Senator Michèle Audette pose in front of the thrones in the Senate Chamber.
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Identity documents issued to Chinese residents in Canada a century ago laid out in rows on clipboards.
The Chinese Exclusion Act’s dark centennial holds lessons for today: Senator Simons
Senator Peter M. Boehm and fourteen students from the University of Michigan-Dearborn in the Senate of Canada Building.
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‘Forgotten cousin of agriculture’: Senate committee digs into soil health in Guelph
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