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RIDR - Standing Committee

Human Rights


Youth Guide

You likely already know the realities and complexities of living life online. Connecting with friends through social networks, texting, researching websites for school projects and following sport statistics are a regular part of growing up in the digital age.

But, as exciting as it can be to share tweets with a celebrity, or to get instant status updates from cousins three time zones away, being connected 24/7 also presents real risks and hazards. Cell phones, computers and other communications devices are powerful tools — you can use them to help others or to cause harm. Your choice can make all the difference.

In our report Cyberbullying Hurts: Respect for Rights in the Digital Age, the Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights examines ways to address cyberbullying. We went to the experts for advice, including Canadian youth. Read the Youth Guide and find out what we heard and learn what you can do to stop the hurt of cyberbullying in your community.



This list is a sampling of available resources and programs that were presented by witnesses during the Committee’s study. To find out more about these, please see Appendix E of the report.

About the Senate

Q: What is the Senate?
A: The Senate is an essential part of Parliament.

Over 135 years ago, the Fathers of Confederation agreed that Canada should have a Parliament to make Canada's laws. They wanted to be sure that everything decided in Parliament be carefully thought through by not one, but two houses, so they created an Upper House, the Senate, and a Lower House, the House of Commons.

The Queen, represented by the Governor General, the Senate and the House of Commons, make up Canada's Parliament.

Canada's first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, called the Senate a place of "sober second thought."

FAQs About the Senate of Canada
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