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AEFA - Standing Committee

Foreign Affairs and International Trade

Meeting Detail

Televised live on PTN
Thursday, December 12, 2013
10:30 AM ET
Location: Room 160-S, Centre Block
Clerk: Adam Thompson (613) 990-6160
Security conditions and economic developments in the Asia-Pacific region
  • Don Campbell, Senior Strategy Advisor, Davis LLP and Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade(As an individual)
  • John Weekes, Senior Business Advisor, Bennett Jones and Former NAFTA chief negotiator and Ambassador to the WTO(As an individual)
Security conditions and economic developments in the Asia-Pacific region
  • Susan Gregson, Assistant Deputy Minister (Asia)(Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada)
  • Peter MacArthur, Director General of South, Southeast Asia and Oceania(Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada)
  • Jeff Nankivell, Director General for Development (Asia Pacific)(Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription
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