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AGFO - Standing Committee

Agriculture and Forestry

Meeting Detail

Wednesday, March 21, 2018
9:31 AM
local time
Location: Sheraton Cavalier Sheraton South Room, 2620 32nd Ave. NE, Calgary AB
Clerk: Kevin Pittman (613) 993-8968
The potential impact of the effects of climate change on the agriculture, agri-food and forestry sectors
  • Kevin Bender, Chair(Alberta Wheat Commission)
  • Graham Gilchrist, Director(Alberta Federation of Agriculture)
  • D'Arcy Hilgartner, Chair(Alberta Pulse Growers Commission)
  • Lynn Jacobson, President(Alberta Federation of Agriculture)
  • Todd Lewis, President(Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan)
  • Dan Mazier, President(Keystone Agricultural Producers of Manitoba)
  • Kevin Serfas, Director, Turin and Chair of Government and Industry Affairs Committee(Alberta Canola)
  • Carmen Sterling, Vice-President(Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities)
  • Tom Steve, General Manager(Alberta Wheat Commission)
  • Ward Toma, General Manager(Alberta Canola)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription
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