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SECD - Standing Committee

National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs

Meeting Detail

Monday, December 3, 2001
*1:33 PM ET
Location: Room 705, Victoria Building
Clerk: Barbara Reynolds (613) 992-3827
Authorized to conduct an introductory survey of the major security and defence issues facing Canada with a view to preparing a detailed work plan for future comprehensive studies
  • Major-General Richard Bastien, Deputy Commander of Air(As an Individual)
  • Lieutenant-General Lloyd Campbell, Commander of Air Command and Chief of the Air Staff at National Defence Headquarters in Ottawa(As an Individual)
  • Chief Warrant Officer Daniel Gilbert(As an Individual)
  • General Raymond R. Henault, Chief of the Defence Staff(As an Individual)
  • Chief Petty Officer First Class R.M. Lupien, Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer(As an Individual)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription
* Please note meeting changes.
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