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SECD - Standing Committee

National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs

Meeting Detail

Televised live on PTN
Monday, June 13, 2022
2:00 PM ET
Location: Room B45, Senate of Canada Building, with videoconference
Clerk: Ericka Paajanen (343) 551-3452
Bill S-7, An Act to amend the Customs Act and the Preclearance Act, 2016

Clause-by-clause consideration

  • Julia Aceti, Director General, Traveler, Commercial, and Trade Policy(Canada Border Services Agency)
  • Randall Koops, Director General, International and Border Policy, Portfolio Affairs and Communications Branch(Public Safety Canada)
  • Scott Nesbitt, General Counsel, Department of Justice, CBSA Legal Services Unit(Canada Border Services Agency)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription
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