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Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Banking, Trade and Commerce

First Session Thirty-sixth Parliament, 1997-98

Chairman: The Honourable MICHAEL KIRBY

Toronto, Wednesday, November 4, 1998 (morning)
Toronto, Wednesday, November 4, 1998 (afternoon)

Issue No. 38

Fifty-fifth and fifty-sixth meetings on: Examination of the present state of the financial system in Canada (Task Force on the Future of the Canadian Financial Services Sector)


Morning Session

From The Mutual Group:

Mr. Robert Astley, Chief Executive Officer; and

Mr. Frank Bomben, Government Relations Manager.

From the Canadian Association of Financial Institutions in Insurance:

Mr. H. Dunbar Russel, President and Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Dominion Life Insurance Company;

Mr. Bernard Dorval, Executive Vice-President, Canada Trust; and

Mr. Isaac Sananes, Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Premier Life Insurance Company.

From Manulife and Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association:

Mr. Dominic D'Alessandro, President and Chief Executive Officer, Manulife Financial; and

Mr. Mark Daniels, President, Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc.

Afternoon session

From the Canadian Association of Retired Persons:

Ms Lillian Morgenthau, President;

Dr. Bill Gleberzon, Associate Executive Director; and

Ms Judith Cuttler, Director of Public Relations.

From Newcourt:

Mr. David F. Banks, Executive Chairman; and

Mr. John Sadler, Executive Vice-President, Corporate Affairs.

From the Canadian Institute of Actuaries:

Mr. Stuart Wason, President-Elect;

Ms Hélène Pouliot, Councillor; and

Mr. Allan Brender, Member, Task Force on Insurance Legislation.

From BDO Dunwoody Chartered Accountants:

Mr. Glenn C. Agro, Senior Partner.

From Dundee Bancorp Inc.:

Mr. Ned Goodman, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Dundee Bancorp Inc.; and

Mr. Donald K. Charter, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Dundee Securities Corporation.

From Calmeadow:

Mr. Martin Connell, President.

From Heraclitus Corp.:

Mr. Howard M. Greenspan, President.


The Honourable Michael Kirby, Chairman

The Honourable David Tkachuk, Deputy Chairman


The Honourable Senators:

Angus, Austin, P.C., Callbeck, * Graham, P.C. (or Carstairs), Hervieux-Payette, P.C., Kelleher, P.C., Kenny, Kolber, Kroft, * Lynch-Staunton (or Kinsella (acting)), Meighen, Oliver

* Ex Officio Members

(Quorum 4)

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