Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Internal Economy,
Budgets and Administration
Issue 13 - Minutes of Proceedings
OTTAWA, Thursday, October 29, 1998
The Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration met at 9:00 a.m. this day, the Chairman, the Honourable Senator William Rompkey, presiding.
Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators DeWare, Di Nino, LeBreton, Maheu, Poulin, Robichaud, P.C. (Saint-Louis-de-Kent), Stollery, Rompkey, P.C., and Taylor (9).
Other senators present: The Honourable Senator Kelly, Murray, P.C., and Prud'homme, P.C. (3).
In attendance: Mr. Paul Bélisle, Clerk of the Senate, and other Senate officials.
98-10-29/201 -- Security and Intelligence Committee
The committee proceeded to the consideration of the communications plan of the Special Committee on Security and Intelligence.
After debate,
It was agreed that the committee return to the Internal Economy Committee when the details of its plan are finalized.
98-10-29/202 -- Supplementary Budget Application of the Social Affairs, Science and Technology Committee
The committee proceeded to the consideration of the supplementary budget application for 1998-99 of the Social Affairs, Science and Technology Committee with respect to its study on social cohesion.
After debate,
It was agreed that the budget application ($22,500) of the Social Affairs, Science and Technology Committee be approved.
At 9:25 a.m., the committee proceeded in camera with senators only.
At 11:20 a.m., the committee resumed in camera with senators and staff.
At 11:30 a.m., the committee resumed in public.
98-10-29/210 -- Canada-China Group
Senator Rompkey presented the report of the subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (Steering Committee) dated Friday, October 9, 1998.
The Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (Steering Committee of the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration approved the following request:
1. That a Canada-China Legislative Exchange be established; and
2. That $27,500 (Senate share) be allocated for this purpose in 1998-99 and that these funds be included in the next request for supplementary estimates.
After debate,
It was agreed that the report be adopted.
98-10-29/211 -- Mothers Against Drunk Drivers
It was agreed that permission be granted to Mothers Against Drunk Drivers to place Red Ribbon boxes at the Senate entrances after November 11, 1998.
98-10-29/212 -- Senate Photocopiers
The Clerk presented a proposal to the Internal Economy Committee to enter into a 5-year service contract of $100,000 as a result of a proposed tender process. It was also agreed that the extension of the existing contract be authorized for a maximum period of one month, if necessary.
98-10-29/213 -- Budget Application of Agriculture and Forestry Committee
The committee proceeded to the consideration of the budget application for 1998-99 for the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Forestry (on the future of agriculture in Canada ($221,400)).
After debate,
It was agreed that further consideration of the budget application be adjourned to the next meeting of the committee.
At 12:00 p.m. the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair .
Paul C. Bélisle
Clerk of the Senate and Clerk of the Internal Economy Committee
Gary O'Brien
Recording Secretary of the Internal Economy Committee