Proceedings of the Subcommittee on
Issue 26 - Minutes of Proceedings
OTTAWA, Wednesday, May 27, 1998
The Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, met this day in Room 257, East Block, at 3:38 p.m., the Chair, the Honourable Senator Lorna Milne, presiding.
Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Beaudoin, Bryden, DeWare, Gigantès, Joyal P.C., Kinsella, Lewis, Milne and Moore (9).
Other senators present: The Honourable Senator Erminie Cohen (1).
In attendance: Mary Hurley, Research Officer, Research Branch, Library of Parliament.
Pursuant to the Order of Reference adopted by the Senate on Tuesday, March 17, 1998, the committee continued its consideration of Bill S-11, An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Acts in order to add social condition as a prohibited ground of discrimination. (See Issue No. 21, Wednesday, March 25, 1998, for full text for Order of Reference.)
From the Canadian Human Rights Commission:
Ms Michelle Falardeau-Ramsay, Q.C., Chief Commissioner.
From the Department of Justice:
Ms Elizabeth Sanderson, Senior General Counsel, Public Law Policy, Policy Sector.
From the National Anti-Poverty Organization:
Mr. Mike Farrell, Acting Executive Director;
Mr. Fred Robertson, Board member.
From the Canadian Bankers' Association:
Mr. Alan Young, Vice-President, Policy;
Mr. Andrew Finlay, Senior Counsel, Employment Law Group, The Bank of Nova Scotia.
The Chairman made an opening statement.
Ms Michelle Falardeau-Ramsay made a statement and answered questions.
Ms Elizabeth Sanderson made statement and answered questions.
At 5:50 p.m., the committee suspended.
At 6:06 p.m., the committee resumed.
Mr. Mike Farrell made a statement and introduced a video that was shown to the committee.
Mr. Fred Robertson made a statement and, together with Mr. Mike Farrell, answered questions.
Mr. Allan Young made a statement and, together with Mr. Andrew Finlay, answered questions.
At 7:26 p.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
Heather Lank
Clerk of the Committee