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Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Transport and Communications

Issue 3 - Minutes of Proceedings

OTTAWA, Tuesday, December 2, 1997


The Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications met this day at 4:35 p.m., the Chairman, the Honourable Senator Bacon, presiding.

Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Adams, Bacon, De Bané, Forrestall, Johnson, Mercier, Perrault, Poulin, Roberge and Spivak. (10)

Other senator present: The Honourable Senator Oliver.

In attendance: Martin Brennan, Special Advisor to the committee.

Also in attendance: The official reporters of the Senate.


The Honourable David Collonette, P.C., M.P., Minister of Transport.


From the Department of Transport Canada:

Margaret Bloodworth, Deputy Minister of Transport;

Alfred Popp, Senior General Counsel; and

Terry Rysanek, Chief, Marine Insurance.

Pursuant to the Order of Reference adopted by the Senate on October 22, 1997, the committee proceeded to consider Bill S-4, an Act to amend the Canada Shipping Act (marine liability).

The witnesses made a statement and answered questions.

At 6:05 p.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.


Michel Patrice

Clerk of the Committee

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