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SOCI - Standing Committee

Social Affairs, Science and Technology


Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Social Affairs, Science and Technology

Issue 26 - Minutes of Proceedings

OTTAWA, Wednesday November 5, 2003


The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology met at 4:12 p.m, this day, in room 705, Victoria Building, the Honourable Michael Kirby, presiding.

Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Callbeck, Cordy, Fairbairn P.C., Keon, Kirby, LeBreton, Léger, Morin, Robertson, Roche and Trenholme Counsell (11).

Other senator present: The Honourable Senator Wiebe (1).

In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Michel Rossignol.

Also in attendance: The official reporters of the Senate.

Pursuant to the Order of Reference adopted by the Senate on Monday, October 27, 2003, the committee began its study on Bill C-37, An Act to amend the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts.


From the Department of National Defence:

Colonel Linda J. Colwell, Director General, Compensation and Benefits;

Lieutenant-Colonel Claude Rochette, project Director, Canadian Forces, Pension Modernization Project.

Colonel Linda Colwell made a presentation and answered questions with Lieutenant-Colonel Claude Rochette.

The Honourable Senator LeBreton moved, — That the Committee dispense with clause-by-clause consideration of Bill C-37 and report the Bill without amendments.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.

Pursuant to the Order of Reference adopted by the Senate on Wednesday, October 29, 2003, the committee began its study on Bill C-50, An Act to amend the statute law in respect of benefits for veterans and the children of deceased veterans.


From the Department of Veterans Affairs Canada:

Mr. Don Wilson, Acting Director, Program Policy Directorate, Program and Service Policy Division;

Mr. Bryson Guptill, Director, Service and Program Modernization Task Force.

Mr. Bryson Guptill made a presentation and answered questions.

At 4:53 p.m., Senator LeBreton assumed the Chair.

The Honourable Senator Roche moved, — That the Committee dispense with clause-by-clause consideration of Bill C-50 and report the Bill without amendments.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.

The Honourable Senator Cordy moved, — That the transcript from the September 24, 2003 fact-finding meeting be tabled and that it be published as an appendix in the committee proceedings. (Exhibit 5900-S2-SS-5-9-2)

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.

At 5:03 p.m., the committee proceeded in camera pursuant to rule 92(2)(f) to discuss a draft report of the committee.

It was agreed to append some observations to the report.

At 5:10 p.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.


Daniel Charbonneau

Clerk of the Committee

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