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Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
National Finance

Issue 32 - Minutes of Proceedings

OTTAWA, Wednesday, November 23, 2005


The Standing Senate Committee on National Finance met at 6:25 p.m., this day, in room 9, Victoria Building, the Deputy Chair, the Honourable Joseph A. Day, presiding.

Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Cowan, Day, Downe, Harb, Kinsella and Smith, P.C. (6).

Other Senator present: The Honourable Senator Tardif (1).

In attendance: Guy Beaumier and Tara Gray Research Officers, Library of Parliament; Tonu Onu, Committee Clerk, Committees Directorate.

Also in attendance: The official reporters of the Senate.

Pursuant to the Order of Reference adopted by the Senate on Thursday, October 27, 2005, the committee began its consideration of Bill C-11, An Act to establish a procedure for the disclosure of wrongdoings in the public sector, including the protection of persons who disclose the wrongdoings.


The Honourable Diane Marleau, P.C., M.P., Parliamentary Secretary to the President of the Treasury Board and Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board.


Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada:

Ralph Heintzman, Vice-President, Office of Public Service Values and Ethics.

Department of Justice Canada:

Jane E. Graham, Legal Counsel;

Michel LeFrançois, General Counsel, Legal Services.

The Deputy Chair made a statement.

Mr. Heintzman made a statement and answered questions.

Ms. Marleau made a statement.

The witnesses answered questions.

At 7:42 p.m., the committee suspended.

At 7:44 p.m. the committee resumed.

The Deputy Chair made a statement.


It was agreed that the committee proceed to clause-by-clause consideration of Bill C-11.

It was agreed that the title stand postponed.

It was agreed that the preamble stand postponed.

It was agreed that clause 1 (short title) stand posponed.

It was agreed that clauses 2 to 15 carry.

It was agreed that clauses 15.1 to 39.1 carry.

It was agreed that clauses 39.2 to 56 carry.

It was agreed that clauses 57 to 60 carry.

It was agreed that schedules 1, 2 and 3 carry.

It was agreed that clause 1 (short title) carry.

It was agreed that the preamble carry.

It was agreed that the title carry.

It was agreed that the Bill carry.

It was agreed that the Bill be adopted without amendment, and that the Deputy Chair report the Bill to the Senate.

The committee discussed its future business.

At 7:55 p.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.


Catherine Piccinin

Clerk of the Committee

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