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Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Human Rights

First Session, Thirty-ninth Parliament, 2006

Chair: The Honourable A. RAYNELL ANDREYCHUK

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Issue No. 7

Sixth and seventh meetings on:

Rights and freedoms of children


Morning Meeting

As an individual:

Kearney Healy, Lawyer.

University of Regina, School of Human Justice:

Otto Driedger, Professor Emeritus.

Department of Justice – Saskatchewan:

Betty-Ann Pottruff, Executive Director, Policy Planning and Evaluation.

Government of Saskatchewan:

Marilyn Hedlund, Executive Director, Child and Family Services.

Saskatchewan Corrections and Public Safety:

Bob Kary, Executive Director, Young Offender Programs.

Saskatchewan Children's Advocate Office:

Marvin Bernstein, Children's Advocate;

Glenda Cooney, Deputy Children's Advocate.

Saskatoon Downtown Youth Centre Inc. (EGADZ):

Bill Thibodeau, Executive Director.

Saskatoon Communities for Children:

Sue Delanoy, Executive Director.

Saskatchewan Foster Families Association:

Deb Davies, Executive Director;

Larry Evans, Family Support Coordinator.

Afternoon Meeting

Lac La Ronge Indian Band, Indian Child and Family Services:

Dexter Kinequon, Executive Director.

Yorkton Tribal Council, Child and Family Services:

Steven McArthur, Representative.

Ranch Ehrlo Society:

Geoff Pawson, Founder;

Deborah Parker-Loewen, Vice-President of Programs North.

Saskatchewan Youth In Care and Custody Network:

Jessica McFarlane, Provincial Outreach Coordinator.


The Honourable A. Raynell Andreychuk, Chair

The Honourable Sharon Carstairs, P.C., Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

Dallaire, *Hays (or Fraser), Kinsella, *LeBreton, P.C. (or Comeau), Lovelace Nicholas, Munson, Nancy Ruth, Pépin, Poy

*Ex officio members

(Quorum 4)

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