Proceedings of the Standing
Senate Committee on
Foreign Affairs and
International Trade
Second Session, Fortieth Parliament, 2009
Chair: The Honourable CONSIGLIO DI NINO
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Issue No. 13
Second meeting on:
Such issues as may arise from time to time relating to foreign relations
Canadian Chamber of Commerce:
Shirley-Ann George, Senior Vice-President, Policy.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce:
Patrick Kilbride, Director, Western Hemisphere Affairs.
Canadian International Council:
Margaret Kalacska, Research Fellow in Border Security and Associate Professor, McGill University.
Conference Board of Canada:
Michael Burt, Associate Director.
The Honourable Consiglio Di Nino, Chair
The Honourable Peter A. Stollery, Deputy Chair
The Honourable Senators:
Andreychuk, *Cowan (or Tardif), Dawson, De Bané, P.C., Dickson, Downe, Jaffer, *LeBreton, P.C. (or Comeau), Mahovlich, Nolin, Segal, Smith, P.C.
* Ex officio members
(Quorum 4)
Changes in membership of the committee:
Pursuant to rule 85(4), membership of the committee was amended as follows:
The Honourable Senator Smith, P.C., was added to the membership of the committee (September 15, 2009).
The Honourable Senator Jaffer replaced the Honourable Senator Grafstein (September 14, 2009).
The Honourable Senator Dickson replaced the Honourable Senator Wallin (September 13, 2009).
The Honourable Senator Nolin replaced the Honourable Senator Fortin-Duplessis (September 13, 2009).
The Honourable Senator Corbin retired (August 2, 2009).
The Honourable Senator De Bané, P.C., replaced the Honourable Senator Zimmer (June 17, 2009).
The Honourable Senator Andreychuk replaced the Honourable Senator MacDonald (June 16, 2009).
The Honourable Senator Segal replaced the Honourable Senator Oliver (June 16, 2009).
The Honourable Senator Wallin replaced the Honourable Senator Lang (June 16, 2009).