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Proceedings of the Standing Committee on
Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration

Issue 1 - Evidence for April 23, 2009

OTTAWA, Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration met this day at 8:35 a.m. to consider administrative matters and in camera to consider other matters.

Senator George J. Furey (Chair) in the chair.


The Chair: Honourable senators, the first item on our agenda for the public session this morning is a report of the Subcommittee on the Review of Committee Budgets.


Senator Robichaud: Honourable Senators, I am pleased to present the third report of the Subcommittee on the Review of Committee Budgets which deals with the release of funds to committees for 2009-2010.

The total funds available for allocation to committees amount to $3.25 million, $500,000 having been set aside for witness expenses, working meals in Ottawa and so on. To date, the Subcommittee has received budgets from six committees, for total requests amounting to some $1.5 million.

We are aware of a number of committees still finalizing their work plans for the year, and we expect to receive budgets over the coming days and weeks. In the meantime, your Subcommittee wishes to facilitate the work of committees by reviewing applications expeditiously and recommending the release of funds.


That being said, since it is impossible at this time to know what the total request might amount to, your subcommittee has chosen to recommend partial releases for larger budgets that include activities later in the fiscal year.

The report before you today recommends the release of funds for activities scheduled through the end of October. It also limits to $20,000 the funds allocated for each committee for conferences, pending a clearer sense of the total budget demands. The total recommended release is $1,161,316.


Your subcommittee will continue to meet on a regular basis to consider budget applications and will also meet in the early fall to consider supplementary releases. By that time, a number of activities will have been completed and surplus funds clawed back and made available for redistribution.

I wish to point out that this report is unanimous and that your subcommittee members are myself, Senator MacDonald and Senator Dawson. I therefore request the adoption of the third report.


The Chair: Are there any questions?

Could we have a motion to adopt the report?

Moved by Senator Dawson. All those in favour?

Hon. Senators: Agreed.

The Chair: Contrary minded? Carried.

The next item on the agenda is the Advisory Working Group on Artwork. It is proposed that the membership of the advisory working group be as follows: Senators Moore, Joyal, Mahovlich, Johnson, Meighen, Dallaire and Eaton. Are there any issues or problems with respect to the recommendation?

It is moved by Senator Robichaud. All those in favour?

Hon. Senators: Agreed.

The Chair: Carried.

The third item on our agenda concerns the Senate Administrative Rules with respect to financial updates. I would ask the Clerk to comment, please.

Paul C. Bélisle, Clerk of the Senate and Clerk of the Parliaments: These are standard increases as per Treasury Board guidelines. You will see them on page 3 of your documentation. The per diems have been increased by a few cents, and we have to adjust the regulations in our administrative rules.

The other item that has been increased, from $25 to $28, is the daily allowance in respect of private accommodations for senators who are on travel status in the National Capital Region. This change was approved by this committee a month ago.

Finally, there was a maximum annual remuneration for members of senators' staff. It went from $66,541 to $68,552. That amount has been adjusted.

Finally, the office budget for senators for the fiscal year 2009-10 is $151,700.

These changes have all been approved by this committee, and we want to reflect these amounts in the Senate Administrative Rules.

The Chair: Every time Treasury Board does this, it is rather cumbersome for us to have to come back and deal with it here and then introduce the changes in the chamber. The steering committee has asked our legal counsel if he could look at some way of automatically incorporating increases from Treasury Board so we do not have to deal with this.

For now, could we have a motion to adopt? It is moved by Senator Massicotte. All those in favour?

Hon. Senators: Agreed.

The Chair: Contrary minded? Carried.

I believe we will now go in camera.

Mr. Bélisle: Yes.

(The committee continued in camera.)

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