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AEFA - Standing Committee

Foreign Affairs and International Trade


Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on 
Foreign Affairs and International Trade

Issue 1 - Minutes of Proceedings - September 28 meeting

OTTAWA, Wednesday, September 28, 2011


The Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade met at 4:45 p.m., this day, in room 160- S, Centre Block, the chair, the Honourable A. Raynell Andreychuk, presiding.

Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Andreychuk, Comeau, De Bané, P.C., Downe, Finley, Fortin-Duplessis, Johnson, Mahovlich, Robichaud, P.C., Stratton and Wallin (11).

In attendance: Natalie Mychajlyszyn, Analysts, Parliamentary Information and Research Service, Library of Parliament.

Also in attendance: The official reporters of the Senate.

Pursuant to the order of reference adopted by the Senate on Tuesday, June 21, 2011, the committee began its examination of the political and economic developments in Brazil and the implications for Canadian Policy and interests in the region, and other related matters.


As an individual:

John P. Bell, Director, Goldcorp Inc..

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada:

Neil Reeder, Director General, Latin America and the Caribbean Bureau;

Susan Harper, Director General, Trade Controls and Technical Barriers Bureau.

Mr. Bell made a statement and answered questions.

At 5:37 p.m., the committee suspended.

At 5:40 p.m., the committee resumed.

Mr. Reeder made a statement and, with Ms. Harper, answered questions.

At 6:20 p.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the chair.


Line Gravel

Clerk of the Committee

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