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LCJC - Standing Committee

Legal and Constitutional Affairs


Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Legal and Constitutional Affairs

Issue 23 - Minutes of Proceedings, October 4, 2012

OTTAWA, Thursday, October 4, 2012


The Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs met this day at 10:30 a.m., in room 257, East Block, the chair, the Honourable Bob Runciman, presiding.

Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Baker, P.C., Boisvenu, Chaput, Cowan, Dagenais, Frum, Joyal, P.C., McIntyre, Ngo, Runciman and White (11).

In attendance: Lyne Casavant and Christine Morris, Analysts, Parliamentary Information and Research Service, Library of Parliament.

Also in attendance: The official reporters of the Senate.

Pursuant to the order of reference adopted by the Senate on Wednesday, May 16, 2012, the committee began its consideration of Bill C-290, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (sports betting).


As an individual:

Brian Masse, M.P., Windsor West;

Jeffrey Derevensky, Professor of Psychiatry, McGill University.

Woodbine Entertainment Group:

Jane Holmes, Vice President, Corporate Affairs;

Mark Hayes, Managing Director.

The Agenda Group:

Peter Cohen, Director of Regulatory Affairs (by videoconference).

The chair made an opening statement.

At 10:33 a.m., the Honourable Senator Boisvenu took the chair and made an opening statement.

Mr. Masse, M.P., made a statement and answered questions.

At 11:19 a.m., the committee suspended.

At 11:23 a.m., the committee resumed.

Ms. Holmes and Mr. Hayes each made a statement and answered questions.

At 11:57 a.m., the committee suspended.

At 12:02 p.m., the committee resumed.

Mr. Cohen and Mr. Derevensky each made a statement and answered questions.

At 12:58 p.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the chair.


Shaila Anwar

Clerk of the Committee

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