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SOCI - Standing Committee

Social Affairs, Science and Technology

Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Social Affairs, Science and Technology

First Session, Forty-first Parliament, 2011-12


Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Issue No. 24

Nineteenth meeting on:

Study on prescription pharmaceuticals in Canada


Third meeting on:

Bill S-204, An Act to establish a national strategy for chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI)


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

United States Food and Drug Administration:

Dr. Gerald Dal Pan, Director, Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (by video conference);

Dr. Robert Temple, Deputy Center Director for Clinical Science, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (by video conference).

Thursday, November 1, 2012

As individuals:

Dr. Robert Zivadinov, Director, Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Centre;

Dr. Andreas Laupacis, Executive Director, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St.Michael's Hospital (by video conference);

Dr. Paolo Zamboni, Director, Vascular Diseases Centre, University of Ferrara, Italy (by video conference).


The Honourable Kelvin Kenneth Ogilvie, Chair

The Honourable Art Eggleton, P.C., Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

Cordy, *Cowan (or Tardif), Dyck, Enverga, *LeBreton, P.C. (or Carignan), Martin, Merchant, Munson, Seidman, Seth, Unger, Verner, P.C.

* Ex officio members

(Quorum 4)

Changes in membership of the committee:

Pursuant to rule 12-5, membership of the committee was amended as follows:

The Honourable Senator Unger replaced the Honourable Senator Eaton (November 1, 2012).

The Honourable Senator Eaton replaced the Honourable Senator Raine (October 26, 2012).

The Honourable Senator Cordy replaced the Honourable Senator Mercer (October 26, 2012).

The Honourable Senator Dyck replaced the Honourable Senator Moore (October 26, 2012).

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