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RPRD - Standing Committee

Rules, Procedures and the Rights of Parliament


Proceedings of the Standing Committee on
Rules, Procedures and the Rights of Parliament

Issue 4 - Minutes of Proceedings - May 12, 2015

OTTAWA, Tuesday, May 12, 2015


The Standing Committee on Rules, Procedures and the Rights of Parliament met this day at 9:33 a.m., in room 356- S, Centre Block, the chair, the Honourable Vernon White, presiding.

Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Batters, Black, Doyle, Furey, Jaffer, Joyal, P.C., McIntyre, Nancy Ruth, Smith, P.C. (Cobourg), Tkachuk, Wells and White (12).

In attendance: Dara Lithwick, Analyst, Parliamentary Information and Research Services, Library of Parliament.

Also present: The official reporters of the Senate.

The committee continued its consideration of the first report of the Subcommittee on Parliamentary Privilege, entitled A Matter of Privilege: A Discussion Paper on Canadian Parliamentary Privilege in the 21st Century, tabled in the committee on January 27, 2015.

Senator Furey moved that the committee adopt the report of the subcommittee as a report of the committee to the Senate.

The questions being put to the motion, it was adopted.

It was agreed that the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure have authority to make adjustments to the report required for tabling in the Senate.

At 9:45 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the chair.


Till Heyde

Acting Clerk of the Committee

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