Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Banking, Trade and Commerce
Issue No. 46 - Minutes of Proceedings - October 25, 2018
OTTAWA, Thursday, October 25, 2018
The Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce met this day at 10:31 a.m., in room 9, Victoria Building, the chair, the Honourable Douglas Black, presiding.
Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Black (Alberta), Campbell, Deacon (Nova Scotia), Tannas, Tkachuk, Wallin and Wetston (7).
In attendance: Adriane Yong and Brett Stuckey, Analysts, Parliamentary Information and Research Services, Library of Parliament.
Also present: The official reporters of the Senate.
Pursuant to the order of reference adopted by the Senate on Tuesday, October 17, 2017, the committee continued its examination of issues pertaining to the management of systemic risk in the financial system, domestically and internationally.
Bank of Canada:
Ron Morrow, Managing Director, Financial Stability Department.
Department of Finance Canada:
Leah Anderson, Assistant Deputy Minister, Financial Sector Policy Branch.
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada:
Jeremy Rudin, Superintendent.
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation:
Steven Mennill, Chief Risk Officer.
Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation:
Dean Cosman, President and Chief Executive Officer.
The chair made a statement.
Ms. Anderson, Mr. Morrow, Mr. Rudin, Mr. Cosman and Mr. Mennill each made a statement and answered questions.
At 11:57 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the chair.
Lynn Gordon
Clerk of the Committee