Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Fisheries and Oceans
First Session, Forty-second Parliament, 2015-16-17
Chair: The Honourable FABIAN MANNING
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Issue No. 23
Consideration of a draft agenda (future business)
First and second meetings:
Bill S-238, An Act to amend the Fisheries Act and the Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act (importation of shark fins)
Twentieth meeting:
Study on Maritime Search and Rescue activities, including current challenges and opportunities
- Order of Reference
- Minutes of Proceedings - December 5, 2017
- Minutes of Proceedings - December 7, 2017
- Transcript (Evidence) of Proceedings - December 5, 2017
- Transcript (Evidence) of Proceedings - December 7, 2017
The Honourable Fabian Manning, Chair
The Honourable Marc Gold, Deputy Chair
The Honourable Senators:
Christmas, *Day (or Mercer), Greene, *Harder, P.C. (or Bellemare) (or Mitchell), Hartling, MacDonald, McInnis, Munson, Poirier, Raine, Ringuette, *Smith (or Martin), Watt, *Woo (or Saint-Germain)
*Ex officio members
(Quorum 4)
Change in membership of the committee:
Pursuant to rule 12-5 and to the order of the Senate of November 7, 2017, membership of the committee was amended as follows:
The Honourable Senator MacDonald replaced the Honourable Senator Plett (December 6, 2017).