Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Banking, Trade and Commerce
Issue 16 - Minutes of Proceedings - October 29, 2014
OTTAWA, Wednesday, October 29, 2014
The Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce met this day at 4:15 p.m., in room 9, Victoria Building, the chair, the Honourable Irving Gerstein, presiding.
Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Bellemare, Black, Gerstein, Greene, Hervieux-Payette, P.C., Maltais, Massicotte, Ringuette, Tannas and Tkachuk (10).
In attendance: Brett Stuckey and Adriane Yong, Analysts, Parliamentary Information and Research Services, Library of Parliament.
Also present: The official reporters of the Senate.
Pursuant to the order of reference adopted by the Senate on Thursday, November 7, 2013, the committee continued its examination of the present state of the domestic and international financial system. (For complete text of the order of reference, see proceedings of the committee, Issue No. 1.)
Bank of Canada:
Stephen S. Poloz, Governor;
Carolyn Wilkins, Senior Deputy Governor.
The chair made an opening statement.
Mr. Poloz made a statement and, together with Ms. Wilkins, answered questions.
At 5:42 p.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the chair.
Barbara Reynolds
Clerk of the Committee