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NFFN - Standing Committee

National Finance


Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
National Finance

Issue No. 29 - Minutes of Proceedings - April 4, 2017

OTTAWA, Tuesday, April 4, 2017


The Standing Senate Committee on National Finance met this day, at 9:30 a.m., in room 9, Victoria Building.

Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Cools, Eaton, Forest, Lang, Marshall, Mockler, Moncion, Neufeld, Pratte, Smith, Tannas and Woo (12).

Other senator present: The Honourable Senator Mitchell (1).

Also in attendance: The official reporters of the Senate.

The clerk informed the committee that the position of chair was vacant and presided over the election of the chair.

The Honourable Senator Cools moved:

That the Honourable Senator Mockler do take the chair of the committee.

The question being put on the motion, it was agreed to.

The clerk invited Senator Mockler to take the chair.

At 9:32 a.m., Senator Mockler made a statement.

At 9:33 a.m., the committee suspended.

At 9:37 a.m., the committee resumed.

Pursuant to the order of reference adopted by the Senate on Wednesday, March 1, 2017, the committee continued its study of the main estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018.
(For complete text of the order of reference, see proceedings of the committee, Issue No. 27.)


Health Canada:

Randy Larkin, Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief Financial Officer, Chief Financial Officer Branch;

Sony Perron, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch.

Canadian Heritage:

Guylaine F. Roy, Assistant Deputy Minister, Cultural Affairs;

Andrew Francis, Chief Financial Officer.

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation:

Wojo Zielonka, Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice-President, Capital Markets;

Charles MacArthur, Senior Vice-President, Regional Operations and Assisted Housing.

Mr. Larkin, Mr. Zielonka and Ms. Roy each made a statement and, with Mr. MacArthur, Mr. Perron and Mr. Francis, answered questions.

At 11:31 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the chair.


Gaëtane Lemay

Clerk of the Committee

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