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AOVS - Standing Committee

Audit and Oversight



OTTAWA, Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Pursuant to the order of the Senate of December 9, 2021, the Standing Committee on Audit and Oversight met this day in room B30, Senate of Canada Building and with videoconference, at 9:35 a.m. ET, the chair, the Honourable Marty Klyne, presiding.

Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senator Wells (1).

Members of the committee present by videoconference: The Honourable Senators Deacon (Nova Scotia), Dupuis and Klyne (3).

External members of the committee present: Robert Plamondon (1).

External members of the committee present by videoconference: Hélène F. Fortin (1).

Participating in the meeting: Stéphanie van Beek, Procedural Clerk and Brigitte Martineau, Administrative Assistant, Committees Directorate; Lindsay McGlashan and Rosemonde Samedy, analysts, Library of Parliament; Amipal Manchanda, Chief Audit Executive, Office of the Chief Audit Executive.

Pursuant to rule 12-7(4), the committee continued its consideration of the Senate’s internal and external audits and related matters.


Ernst & Young LLP:

Suzanne Gignac, Partner, Assurance Services.

Senate of Canada:

Pierre Lanctôt, Chief Financial Officer, Finance and Procurement Directorate;

Nathalie Charpentier, Comptroller and Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance and Procurement Directorate.

Suzanne Gignac made a statement and answered questions.

At 10:06 a.m., the committee suspended.

At 10:07 a.m., pursuant to rule 12-16(1), the committee resumed in camera.

At 10:31 a.m., the committee suspended and Pierre Lanctôt, Nathalie Charpentier and all staff were excused from the meeting.

At 10:36 a.m., the committee resumed.

At 10:51 a.m., the committee suspended.

At 10:54 a.m., the committee resumed and staff were invited to rejoin the meeting.

It was agreed that, pursuant to the order of the Senate of December 14, 2023 appointing the Honourable Senator Yussuff as a member of the Standing Committee on Audit and Oversight effective January 17, 2024, he be elected deputy chair of the committee effective that same date, to replace the Honourable Senator Dupuis.

At 11:06 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the chair.


Maxime Fortin

Clerk of the Committee

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