39th Parliament,
1st Session
(April 3, 2006 - September 14, 2007)
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Meeting Detail
Bill C-9, An Act to amend the Patent Act and the Food and Drugs Act
- The Honourable Bill Graham, P.C., M.P., Minister of Foreign Affairs
- The Honourable Lucienne Robillard, P.C., M.P., Minister of Industry
- Christopher Armstrong, Senior Advisor, HIV/AIDS, Human Rights, Humanitarian Affairs and International Women's Equality Division(Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada)
- Susan Bincoletto, Acting Director General, Marketplace Framework Policy Branch(Industry Canada)
- Sandra Black, Director, Social Development Policies, Policy Branch(Canadian International Development Agency)
- Adrienne Blanchard, Legal Counsel, Gowling, Lafleur and Henderson(Canada's Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies)
- Doug Clark, Senior Project Leader, Patent Policy Directorate(Industry Canada)
- Éric Dagenais, Director, Patent Policy Directorate(Industry Canada)
- Jim Keon, President(Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association)
- David K. Lee, Directorate, Office of Patented Medicines and Liaison, Therapeutic Products Directorate, Health Products and Food Branch(Health Canada)
- Jean-François Leprince, President, Aventis Pharmaceutical, Chair, Rx&D Intellectual Property Committee(Canada's Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies)
- Terry McCool, Vice-President, Corporate Affairs, Eli Lilly Canada Inc., Vice-Chair, Rx&D Intellectual Property Committee(Canada's Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies)
- Dr. Robert Peterson, Director General, Therapeutic Products Directorate, Health Products and Food Branch(Health Canada)
- Vishva V. Ramlall, Senior Policy Officer, Corporate Strtegies Branch, Canadian Intellectual Property Office(Industry Canada)
- Rob Sutherland-Brown, Senior Counsel, Industry Canada Legal Services(Industry Canada)
Bill C-9, An Act to amend the Patent Act and the Food and Drugs Act
Clause-by-clause consideration
Meeting with interpretation and transcription