39th Parliament,
1st Session
(April 3, 2006 - September 14, 2007)
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Organization Activate to sort column ascending Activate to sort column descending | Name / Title Activate to sort column ascending Activate to sort column descending | Study/Bill Activate to sort column ascending Activate to sort column descending | Date/Time Activate to sort column ascending | Links/Notes |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada | Paul Gibbard, Director General (Acting), Human Security and Human Rights Bureau | Bill C-61, An Act to amend the Geneva Conventions Act, An Act to incorporate the Canadian Red Cross Society and the Trade-marks Act | Jun 20, 2007 |
As an Individual | The Honourable Peter MacKay, P.C., M.P., Minister of Foreign Affairs | Bill C-61, An Act to amend the Geneva Conventions Act, An Act to incorporate the Canadian Red Cross Society and the Trade-marks Act | Jun 20, 2007 |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada | Mi Nguyen, Senior Policy Advisor, Humanitarian Affairs and Disasters Response Group | Bill C-61, An Act to amend the Geneva Conventions Act, An Act to incorporate the Canadian Red Cross Society and the Trade-marks Act | Jun 20, 2007 |
International Development Research Centre | Annette Nicholson, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary | Bill C-293, An Act respecting the provision of official development assistance abroad | Jun 19, 2007 |
International Development Research Centre | Maureen O'Neil, President | Bill C-293, An Act respecting the provision of official development assistance abroad | Jun 19, 2007 |
As an individual | George Ayittey, Professor, Economics, American University | Bill C-293, An Act respecting the provision of official development assistance abroad | Jun 13, 2007 |
As an individual | Robert Fowler, retired senior official | Bill C-293, An Act respecting the provision of official development assistance abroad | Jun 13, 2007 |
(British) Department for International Development (by videoconference) | Mark Lowcock, Director General, Policy and International | Bill C-293, An Act respecting the provision of official development assistance abroad | Jun 13, 2007 |
Canadian International Development Agency | Stephen Wallace, Vice-President, Afghanistan Task Force | Bill C-293, An Act respecting the provision of official development assistance abroad | Jun 12, 2007 |
Canadian Council on Africa (CCAfrica) | Lucien Bradet, President and CEO | Bill C-293, An Act respecting the provision of official development assistance abroad | Jun 12, 2007 |