38th Parliament,
1st Session
(October 4, 2004 - November 28, 2005)
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Meeting Detail
Subject-matter of Bill S-16, An Act providing for the Crown’s recognition of self-governing First Nations of Canada
- Chief Robert Daniels, Chief, Swan Lake First Nation(Southern Chiefs’ Organization)
- Elder William Dreaver(As individuals)
- Marshall Dreaver, Interpreter(As individuals)
- Southern Grand Chief Chris Henderson(Southern Chiefs’ Organization)
- Beverley Jacobs, President(Native Women's Association of Canada)
- Grand Chief, Rose Laboucan, Chief, Driftpile First Nation(Lesser Slave Lake Indian Regional Council)
- Willie Littlechild(Ermineskin Cree Nation, Treaty 6, Alberta)
- Sherry Lewis, Executive Director(Native Women's Association of Canada)
- Vice-Grand Chief Roland Twinn, Treaty 8; Chief of the Sawridge First Nation(Lesser Slave Lake Indian Regional Council)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription