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APPA - Standing Committee

Indigenous Peoples


Information prior to the 40th Parliament is from notices of meetings. For the official record, please refer to the related minutes and transcripts. There are limited electronic records available for the period prior to the 35th Parliament. For historical information, please contact: or 1-800-267-7362

Organization Activate to sort column ascending Activate to sort column descending Name / Title Activate to sort column ascending Activate to sort column descending Study/Bill Activate to sort column ascending Activate to sort column descending Date/Time Activate to sort column ascending Links/Notes
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Margo Novak, Negotiator, Indian and Northern Affairs, South Region Bill C-34, An Act to give effect to the Tsawwassen First Nation Final Agreement and to make consequential amendments to other Acts Jun 19, 2008
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Michel Roy, Assistant Deputy Minister, Treaties and Aboriginal Government Bill C-34, An Act to give effect to the Tsawwassen First Nation Final Agreement and to make consequential amendments to other Acts Jun 19, 2008
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Marc Boivin, Manager, Governance Branch Examine and report on the federal government’s constitutional, treaty, political and legal responsibilities to First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples and on other matters generally relating to the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada Jun 10, 2008
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Brenda Kustra, Director General, Governance Branch, Lands and Trust Services Examine and report on the federal government’s constitutional, treaty, political and legal responsibilities to First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples and on other matters generally relating to the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada Jun 10, 2008
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Nathalie Nepton, Director, Band Governance Directorate Examine and report on the federal government’s constitutional, treaty, political and legal responsibilities to First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples and on other matters generally relating to the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada Jun 10, 2008
British Columbia Assembly of First Nations Shawn Atleo, Regional Chief Bill C-30, An Act to establish the Specific Claims Tribunal and to make consequential amendments to other Acts May 28, 2008
Assembly of First Nations Phil Fontaine, National Chief Bill C-30, An Act to establish the Specific Claims Tribunal and to make consequential amendments to other Acts May 28, 2008
Assembly of First Nations Candice Metallic, Legal Counsel, National Chief's Office Bill C-30, An Act to establish the Specific Claims Tribunal and to make consequential amendments to other Acts May 28, 2008
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Lynne Partel, Acting Executive Director, Specific Claims Reform Initiative Bill C-30, An Act to establish the Specific Claims Tribunal and to make consequential amendments to other Acts May 28, 2008
Assembly of First Nations Tonio Sadik, Senior Policy Planning Officer Bill C-30, An Act to establish the Specific Claims Tribunal and to make consequential amendments to other Acts May 28, 2008
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