39th Parliament,
2nd Session
(October 16, 2007 - September 7, 2008)
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Meeting Detail
Study of Bill C-10, Income Tax Amendments Act, 2006
- Marc Grégoire, Chair of the Board of directors(Société des auteurs de Radio, Télévision et Cinéma)
- Yves Légaré, General director(Société des auteurs de Radio, Télévision et Cinéma)
- Robert Morrice, Principal(Aver Medias LP)
- Elaine Morrisette, Senior Manager, TV and Motion Picture Group(National Bank of Canada)
- Susan Swan, Chair(The Writers' Union of Canada)
- Christopher Waddell, Chair, National Affairs(PEN Canada)
- Deborah Windsor, Executive Director(The Writers' Union of Canada)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription