42nd Parliament,
1st Session
(December 3, 2015 - September 11, 2019)
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Meeting Detail
Bill C-69, Impact Assessment Act and Canadian Energy Regulator Act / Various Other Acts
- Ryan Barry, Executive Director(Nunavut Impact Review Board)
- Elizabeth Copland, Chairperson(Nunavut Impact Review Board)
- Jim Fox, Vice President, Integrated Energy Information and Analysis(National Energy Board)
- Sandy Lapointe, Executive Vice President, Regulatory(National Energy Board)
- Mike Rinker, Director General, Directorate of Environmental and Radiation Protection and Assessment(Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission)
- Robert Steedman, Chief Environment Officer(National Energy Board)
- Mark Taylor, Executive Vice President, Operations(Alberta Energy Regulator)
- Rumina Velshi, President and Chief Executive Officer(Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription
* Please note meeting changes.