39th Parliament,
1st Session
(April 3, 2006 - September 14, 2007)
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Meeting Detail
Bill S-15, An Act to enable and assist the Canadian tobacco industry in attaining its objective of preventing the use of tobacco products by young persons in Canada
- Dr. Sheela Basrur, Medical Officer of Health(From the City of Toronto)
- Ted Boadway, Executive Director, Health Policy Department(From the Ontario Medical Association)
- Robert Cushman, Medical Health Officer(From the region of Ottawa-Carleton, Health Department)
- Ryan Hicks, Student Trustee(From the Toronto District School Board)
- Andrew Lynk(From the Canadian Pediatric Society)
- Albert Schumacher, Past President(From the Ontario Medical Association)
Bill S-15, An Act to enable and assist the Canadian tobacco industry in attaining its objective of preventing the use of tobacco products by young persons in Canada
Clause-by-clause consideration
Meeting with interpretation and transcription