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ENEV - Standing Committee

Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources


Information prior to the 40th Parliament is from notices of meetings. For the official record, please refer to the related minutes and transcripts. There are limited electronic records available for the period prior to the 35th Parliament. For historical information, please contact: or 1-800-267-7362

Organization Activate to sort column ascending Activate to sort column descending Name / Title Activate to sort column ascending Activate to sort column descending Study/Bill Activate to sort column ascending Activate to sort column descending Date/Time Activate to sort column ascending Links/Notes
Officials from Natural Resources Canada: Peter Brown, Director, Uranium and Radioactive Waste Division Bill C-27, An Act respecting the long-term management of nuclear fuel waste Jun 04, 2002
As an Individual Joanne Kellerman, Legal Counsel, Legal Services Bill C-27, An Act respecting the long-term management of nuclear fuel waste Jun 04, 2002
As an Individual Carmel Letourneau, Senior Policy Advisor, Uranium and Radioactive Waste Division Bill C-27, An Act respecting the long-term management of nuclear fuel waste Jun 04, 2002
From the Department of Justice Canada: William F. Pentney, Deputy Head, Aboriginal Affairs Portfolio Bill C-10, An Act respecting the national marine conservation areas of Canada Jun 04, 2002
Department of Justice Canada Charles Pryce, Senior Counsel Bill C-10, An Act respecting the national marine conservation areas of Canada Jun 04, 2002
From the Department of Justice Canada: William F. Pentney, Deputy Head, Aboriginal Affairs Portfolio Bill C-10, An Act respecting the national marine conservation areas of Canada May 30, 2002
Department of Justice Canada Charles Pryce, Senior Counsel Bill C-10, An Act respecting the national marine conservation areas of Canada May 30, 2002
From Ontario Power Generation: Richard Dicerni, Executive Vice President and Corporate Secretary Bill C-27, An Act respecting the long-term management of nuclear fuel waste May 09, 2002
As an Individual AS A PANEL: Bill C-27, An Act respecting the long-term management of nuclear fuel waste May 09, 2002
Nuclear Waste Management Organization Ken Nash, Vice-President, Nuclear Waste Management Division Bill C-27, An Act respecting the long-term management of nuclear fuel waste May 09, 2002
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