Past Session:
41st Parliament,
2nd Session
(October 16, 2013 - August 2, 2015)
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Meeting Detail
Subject-matter of Bill C-15: N.W.T. Devolution Act
- The Honourable Bernard Valcourt, P.C., M.P., Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development(As an Individual)
- Tom Isaac, Senior Counsel, Negotiations, Northern Affairs and Federal Interlocutor(Department of Justice)
- Paula Isaak, Director General, Natural Resources and Environment Branch(Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada)
- The Honourable Bob McLeod, Premier of the Northwest Territories(As an Individual)
- Michael Miltenberger, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources(Government of the Northwest Territories)
- Tara Shannon, Director, Resource Policy and Programs Directorate(Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada)
- Wayne Walsh, Director, Northwest Devolution Negotiations(Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada)
- Shaleen Woodword, Assistant Deputy Minister of Devolution Implementation(Government of the Northwest Territories)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription