42nd Parliament,
1st Session
(December 3, 2015 - September 11, 2019)
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Meeting Detail
Main Estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018
- Michele Bridges, Managing Director, Finance and Corporate Planning(Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions )
- Judy Cameron, Senior Director, Legislation, Approvals and Strategic Policy(Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions )
- Phil King, Director, Economic Analysis and Forecasting, Economic and Fiscal Policy Branch(Department of Finance Canada)
- Cynthia Leach, Chief, Housing Finance, Financial Sector Policy Branch(Department of Finance Canada)
- Elisha Ram, Director, Financial Markets Division, Financial Sector Policy Branch(Department of Finance Canada)
- Carolyn Rogers, Assistant Superintendent, Regulation Sector(Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions )
Meeting with interpretation and transcription