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TRCM - Standing Committee

Transport and Communications


Information prior to the 40th Parliament is from notices of meetings. For the official record, please refer to the related minutes and transcripts. There are limited electronic records available for the period prior to the 35th Parliament. For historical information, please contact: or 1-800-267-7362

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Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada Elizabeth Denham, Assistant Privacy Commissioner of Canada Study on emerging issues related to its communications mandate and to report on the wireless sector, including issues such as access to high-speed Internet, the supply of bandwidth, the nation-building role of wireless, the pace of the adoption of innovations, the financial aspects associated with possible changes to the sector, and Canada's development of the sector in comparison to the performance in other countries Dec 08, 2009
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada Steve Johnston, Senior Security and Technology Advisor Study on emerging issues related to its communications mandate and to report on the wireless sector, including issues such as access to high-speed Internet, the supply of bandwidth, the nation-building role of wireless, the pace of the adoption of innovations, the financial aspects associated with possible changes to the sector, and Canada's development of the sector in comparison to the performance in other countries Dec 08, 2009
Office of the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services Inc. Howard Maker, Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services Study on emerging issues related to its communications mandate and to report on the wireless sector, including issues such as access to high-speed Internet, the supply of bandwidth, the nation-building role of wireless, the pace of the adoption of innovations, the financial aspects associated with possible changes to the sector, and Canada's development of the sector in comparison to the performance in other countries Dec 08, 2009
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada Jennifer Stoddart, Privacy Commissioner of Canada Study on emerging issues related to its communications mandate and to report on the wireless sector, including issues such as access to high-speed Internet, the supply of bandwidth, the nation-building role of wireless, the pace of the adoption of innovations, the financial aspects associated with possible changes to the sector, and Canada's development of the sector in comparison to the performance in other countries Dec 08, 2009
Office of the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services Inc. Josée Thibault, Director of Complaints and Inquiries Study on emerging issues related to its communications mandate and to report on the wireless sector, including issues such as access to high-speed Internet, the supply of bandwidth, the nation-building role of wireless, the pace of the adoption of innovations, the financial aspects associated with possible changes to the sector, and Canada's development of the sector in comparison to the performance in other countries Dec 08, 2009
TELUS Michael Hennessy, Senior Vice-President, Government and Regulatory Affairs Study on emerging issues related to its communications mandate and to report on the wireless sector, including issues such as access to high-speed Internet, the supply of bandwidth, the nation-building role of wireless, the pace of the adoption of innovations, the financial aspects associated with possible changes to the sector, and Canada's development of the sector in comparison to the performance in other countries Nov 25, 2009
TELUS Craig McTaggart, Director, Internet Policy Study on emerging issues related to its communications mandate and to report on the wireless sector, including issues such as access to high-speed Internet, the supply of bandwidth, the nation-building role of wireless, the pace of the adoption of innovations, the financial aspects associated with possible changes to the sector, and Canada's development of the sector in comparison to the performance in other countries Nov 25, 2009
TerreStar Canada Jan Skora, Regulatory Advisor; Jan Skora Consulting Services Inc. Study on emerging issues related to its communications mandate and to report on the wireless sector, including issues such as access to high-speed Internet, the supply of bandwidth, the nation-building role of wireless, the pace of the adoption of innovations, the financial aspects associated with possible changes to the sector, and Canada's development of the sector in comparison to the performance in other countries Nov 18, 2009
TerreStar Canada André Tremblay, President and Chief Executive Officer Study on emerging issues related to its communications mandate and to report on the wireless sector, including issues such as access to high-speed Internet, the supply of bandwidth, the nation-building role of wireless, the pace of the adoption of innovations, the financial aspects associated with possible changes to the sector, and Canada's development of the sector in comparison to the performance in other countries Nov 18, 2009
Research In Motion Robert Crow, Vice-President, Industry, Government & University Affairs Study on emerging issues related to its communications mandate and to report on the wireless sector, including issues such as access to high-speed Internet, the supply of bandwidth, the nation-building role of wireless, the pace of the adoption of innovations, the financial aspects associated with possible changes to the sector, and Canada's development of the sector in comparison to the performance in other countries Nov 17, 2009
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