37th Parliament,
2nd Session
(September 30, 2002 - November 12, 2003)
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Meeting Detail
Examination on the administration and operation of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act
- Mr. Maurice Cloutier, General Counsel, Quebec Commission of Occupational and Health and Safety(From the Workers' Compensation Boards)
- Mr. Marian Dingman Hebb, Counsel(From the Writers' Union of Canada)
- Mr. Jim Lee, Chair, P.E.I. Workers' Compensation Board(From the Workers' Compensation Boards)
- Mr. Douglas Mah, General Counsel, Alberta Workers' Compensation Board(From the Workers' Compensation Boards)
- Mr. John Solomon, Chair, Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board(From the Workers' Compensation Boards)
- Ms. Deborah Windsor, Executive Director(From the Writers' Union of Canada)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription